The Truth Hurts

The Church is in dire need..Heresy has taken root and false teachers and doctrines have arose within us from people that claimed to be among us...We used to divide the Word of Truth, used to tell people that they cannot live in sin and be a Christian...Nobody wants to hear the truth because of the "itching ears" doctrine...However, it's time to tell THE TRUTH

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

You Are Not Alone Part 2

"Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me." -Psalm 23:4 (AMP)

You lost your job, your unemployed, have more bills than money, no car....These are the situations that we go through in life that makes us feel like we're the only one going through. Sometimes, we feel alone because no one can help us get out the situation we're currently in and we struggle and kill ourselves trying to get out of "the valley of the shadow of death" that we ignore God's promise to never leave us. We depend on everyone else BUT God to get us out of situations and when they fail us, we feel hopeless, miserable, and alone.

This verse in the 23rd Psalm reassures us that our trials are not as bad as they seem. Notice David said "valley of the SHADOW of death"...what does this mean? Your situation may seem hopeless and you're on the edge thinking about giving up but the reality is that it is NOT that bad because it's only a shadow of what it could have been. David continues and says, "I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me." This statement tells us two things: God won't leave us in our darkest days and that God will protect and guide you through them.

I experienced this scripture when my life was going very badly....relationships failing, debt owed, couldn't find a job, and I began to get depressed and started thinking about suicide. I felt like God had deserted me, and that He was so high up in heaven that there was no way He could understand what I was going through on Earth. However, I realized something in the Bible that said that Jesus understands our weak points and has been tempted in every way but did not sin (Hebrews 4:15)...I said "Jesus, you know how it feels to be lonely (Matthew 27:46) and I don't know what to do but I need you to help me." I'm not going to tell you that I felt better from that day forward because I didn't. I still struggle with lonliness, especially being a single Christian but whenever I'm in my valley, Psalm 23:4 reminds me that Jesus is RIGHT THERE with me, protecting me from thoughts of suicide, and guiding me out of the valley.

It doesn't matter what situation you're going through, Jesus is right there. However, I realized something amazing. When you go through the valley, it's main goal was to destroy you. Look back at your life when all Hell broke loose and you wanted to end your life or give up. Now, look at where you're at now. Even if you're not where you want to be, you're not where you used to be. Why? Jesus carried you through the valley because you couldn't make it by yourself, whether you realize it or not. I should have committed suicide in November of 2009, I should be dead but Jesus carried me when I couldn't carry myself and showed me that I am not alone and that He understands my hurt, pain, confusion, all of it He understands. Jesus was abandoned, betrayed, killed by people who claimed to love Him (but He rose again), everything we're going through Jesus has already went through.

I want you to know that Jesus cares about  you and if you are tired of feeling lonely, or having suicidal thoughts, being depressed, you can get help from a Man named Jesus Christ. If He could do it for me, he surely can do it for you. All you have to do is realize that sin separated you from God and you're a sinner, confess that Jesus was God in the flesh who died for your sins, and God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved (Read Romans 10:9-10) You were not created to be lonely, God won't leave you alone but you feel alone when you separate from God, and His amazing Love. He promised He wouldn't leave you but the only way to connect to Him is through His Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Be blessed

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