The Truth Hurts

The Church is in dire need..Heresy has taken root and false teachers and doctrines have arose within us from people that claimed to be among us...We used to divide the Word of Truth, used to tell people that they cannot live in sin and be a Christian...Nobody wants to hear the truth because of the "itching ears" doctrine...However, it's time to tell THE TRUTH

Friday, December 30, 2011

Counterfeit Christians

Disclaimer: I am not targeting anyone or trying to put people on blast. The reason for this blog is to bring souls to Christ through His Word and my testimony. If you get offended, I forgive you and remember that the truth is closer than it appears.

"For [although] they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it [their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession]. Avoid [all] such people [turn away from them]." -2 Timothy 3:5 (AMP)

This is my least favorite scripture in all of the Bible...I don't hate it, I just do not like it because of 1 reason: it hit the heart with such an impact that I had to humble myself before God. I used to have a form of religion but I denied the power. We all know the routine: Holiness on Sunday, Live like Hell the other 6 days. However, this scripture highlights a very serious condition in the church: Counterfeit Christians.

Maybe you're reading this and like "Counterfeit Christians?"...Just call it Bootleg Christians, Fake Christians or better yet, Hypocrite. Now, to understand this scripture there are a couple questions we must ask: 1) How do you deny the power Paul is talking about? 2) How do you have a form of religion? 3) Why should we avoid these people? I'm glad you asked but first let's understand what is meant by Counterfeit Christians and why is this a serious matter.

You walk into a store, you see a guy selling tennis shoes (Jordan and Nike). You walk up to him and say "How much?" he answers, "$70" so you think and you say "Are they real?" and he responds "Yea". You ask to see the shoe and after inspecting it, you determine that the shoe is fake and decide to keep your money. Let's think about the situation I just described. How did you know they were fake? Most of the times you look at the trademark or the symbols to see if Jordan has a butt crack lol or the Nike sign is going reverse. In society, knock offs of the original is common. I've seen fake Blackberries, Ipods, Ipads, Jordans, Nikes, etc. but the reason you know the difference is because you've had the real thing at one Counterfeit Christians look like the real thing but they just a knock off. Now, let's be clear some people buy knockoff because they're cheaper but what do you sacrifice? Quality, Durability, etc. When you become a Counterfeit Christian, you're robbing yourself of all the benefits God promised His Children (too many to name). I'm not saying God doesn't love you because He does but the only person you're fooling is yourself. Now, that I have explained Counterfeit Christians, let's get to the scripture.

This scripture says that Counterfeit Christians DENY the power and reject it. What is Paul talking about? Counterfeit Christians claim to be Christians (duh Henry) but they deny the power BY THEIR ACTIONS...Someone just got mad....was it me? no but anyway, Paul says these people claim Christ but live   like sinners. What is the "power" mentioned here? None other than the third person of the Triune Godhead: The Holy Ghost. The mission or purpose of the Holy Spirit is to help guide you and keep you connected to God. Think of the Holy Ghost as the Offensive Coordinator of a football tea. He talks to the head coach and then gives the play to the quarterback. When they deny this power, they CANNOT live holy, and cannot please God or deny their own desires. Many people deny this power when they believe they are Christians because their parents, pastor, brother, sister, friend is one and they never accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior personally. Counterfeit Christians are very different from backsliders (that's another blog) and should NOT be confused. They play by the rules but don't love the game because they think they're fine as long as they're playing

The second question: How do you have a form of religion? I can answer this easily because I was one of these fake Christian. Can I put myself out there? I went to church on Sunday, read scripture, played an instrument and said "Lord, I do all these things so i'm going to Heaven." I loved God on Sunday and put on my "Christian" mask but on Monday, I was listening to Nicki Minaj, Wayne, Drake, watching porn, cussing, doing whatever I wanted. Anybody can have a form of religion. Look at Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Muslims, even Buddhists but they're missing THE POWER. It's easy to look religious because religion is based on works. Religion says to God, "I've done this and that so I know I'm saved and going to Heaven" A form of religion is very careful to make sure it's appearance is real. So you shout at church, speak in tongues, cry, snot, fall out, etc. EVEN DEMONS DO THAT....Satan even quoted scripture when he tempted Jesus (Matthew 4:6) so what does this tell you? Religion will not get you into Heaven and the only reason religion existed was to INTRODUCE you to a deity or a higher power. It cannot save you nor does God approve of you just because you appear "religious".

Why should we avoid such people? The answer is easy: They have fallen away from the faith and may tempt you to do the same. It's like when your friend sees the same guy that tried to get you to buy the sneakers, you say, "No, don't buy anything from that guy. He's a fake, the shoes are fake." You warn your friend because you know the consequences if he buys from him so you prevent it. Paul is doing the same thing, he's saying, "No, keep your distance. They not really saved, they just act like it. They might try to influence you or tempt you to sin. Do not associate with them." Now Paul is not saying, hate them and treat them bad but just guard your spirit when you do.

We are made in God's Image, and this is a very important fact. I know that most people do not like buying fake Coach, Jordan, Nike, or any other name band clothing or shoes. So my question is: If we do not like fake stuff, what makes us think God does? We get mad at God when things do not go our way or life gets us in a tight spot but have u lived Matthew 6:33? Are you seeking The King or the Bling? Counterfeit Christians serve two masters: god and themselves and unfortunately, they will be condemned on the day of Judgement. God weeps when he sees Counterfeit Christians because you do not experience Christ in His fullness. You cannot know God because His Wrath is on you. This is heartbreaking for me because I used to be one. I know it feels good serving your desires all the time and "pleasing God" on Sunday. The Bible says that sin pays us death but God has GIVEN us life through Christ (Romans 6:23).

However, it's not too late to start having a relationship with Jesus Christ. It's only too late when you're laying in a box. God wants you to know Him, He wants you to love Him, He wants you to serve Him. You may be asking, "How do I know Christ? How can I experience this power Paul talks about?" The first thing is to realize that you're a sinner. You owe God a debt that you cannot pay, and God owes you punishment. The second thing is to believe that Jesus Christ came as God in the flesh and accepted your punishment on the cross when he died, and God raised Him from the dead through the power of the Holy Spirit on the third day. The third thing is to find a church that preaches the Word, and begin reading the Bible and praying. However, these are just the foundation of being saved but the main key is to keep your faith in Christ ALONE. Don't die a Counterfeit Christian and fall short of your true potential, which can only be unlocked when you give your life to Jesus Christ. If He could do it for me, I know he can do it for you. Be blessed

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Truth about Christianity: Jehovah Witnesses

Disclaimer: I am not in any way stating that Jehovah Witnesses are all demonic and they are going to Hell because they can be saved and open their eyes to the truth. I respect their beliefs, and I have friends who are JW's and we get along well. The purpose of this blog is to compare Jehovah Witnesses (who claim to be Christian) beliefs to what the Bible actually says. I am NOT favoring one religion over another, just simply stating biblical truth.

These are six beliefs of the Jehovah Witness religion, and the link for the first five beliefs are found at while the last belief is found on the official Jehovah Witness website

Belief #1: "Jesus Christ is believed to have originally existed in a pre-human state as the Archangel Michael."

This statement is basically saying that before Jesus came to earth in human form, he "existed in a pre-human state as the Archangel Michael", which implies that Jesus is actually an angel. This statement denies the divinity or His claim to be the Son of God. What does the Bible say about Jesus? Is Jesus really an angel? Let's take a look at what Hebrews 1:5-8 (CEV) states, "God has never said to any of the angels, 'You are my Son, because today I have become your Father!' Neither has God said to any of them, 'I will be his Father, and he will be my Son!' (6) When God brings his first-born Son into the world, he commands all of his angels to worship him. (7) And when God speaks about the angels, he says, 'I change my angels into wind and my servants into flaming fire' (8) But God says about his Son, 'You are God, and you will rule as King forever! Your royal power brings about justice." Jesus Christ was NOT, has not nor will ever be an angel according to this scripture. To say that Jesus existed originally in the form of Archangel Michael is an insult to God, and Jesus Christ. Angels are not to be worshiped and we see this repeatedly in scripture but Jesus accepted worship when the woman came to Him and poured oil on his feet and washed his feet with her tears and dried them with her hair.

Belief #2: "They reject the traditional symbol of Christianity, the cross, because it is of pre-Christian, pagan origin. They believe that Jesus was executed by being nailed to a single upright wooden stake with no cross beam." 

This belief is so demonic that I strongly suggest that even JW's research what I am about to say to see for themselves. The Holy Spirit ALONE revealed this to me, I did not come up with this on my own: By believing that Jesus was nailed to the stake, they are saying that Jesus Christ, the Son of The Living God is a witch!!!!! This is shocking revelation and I broke down and cried because they are denying Jesus's divinity and saying that he is demonic. However, I assume that JW's DO NOT know this because I'm sure if they did, they would leave the faith. What proof is there to this accusation? I'm glad you  asked, check out this link, which gives a history of burning witches at the stake. However, let me provide scripture that also denies this heresy. Acts 5:30 (AMP) says, "The God of our forefathers raised up Jesus, Whom you killed by hanging on a tree (cross)." Of course, there are numerous scriptures mentioning the cross, but I can't name them all. However, when talking to a JW, I would prefer using the word "tree".

Belief #3: "Christ's Second Coming has actually happened. It was not a physical return to earth. It was an invisible event in 1914 in which Satan and Christ engaged in a heavenly battle." 

Let's see what Jesus Christ Himself says about this supposed "Second Coming" in Mark 13:32 (AMP), "But of that day or that hour not a [single] person knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Jesus was talking about His Return and He clearly said that no one knows when He will return so where did the 1914 thing come from? Satan himself....this is a very serious problem because if Christ came back, why are we still preaching? why are we still trying to live holy if Jesus Christ came back already? If Jesus returned, then everything we're doing (JW's included) is useless. The truth is that Jesus Christ did NOT come in 1914, and we do not know the day or hour so this belief is clearly unbiblical and is false.

Belief #4: "Humans do not have an immortal soul that continues on after death. When they die, they cease to exist. With the exception of those who killed Jesus, have sinned against the Holy Spirit, and God has judged to receive eternal death."

This one is self-explanatory....I'm personally confused and I need only a Jehovah Witness to explain this because they do not believe that the soul lives after death but the only people with exceptions are the ones that killed Jesus, sinned against the Holy Spirit, and was judged by God to receive eternal death? I must say that I seriously do not understand this belief, and scripture says that "it is appointed for [all] men once to die, and after that the [certain] judgment." (Hebrews 9:27 AMP). I do not understand where this belief came from but this belief is unscriptural as far as Hebrews 9:27 is concerned.

Belief #5: "They totally deny the existence of the traditional view of Hell as a place of punishment and torture. Satan is regarded as having created the concept of Hellfire in order to turn people against God."

First, we must understand what is meant when it states "the traditional view of Hell as a place of punishment and torture." Ok, Christians believe that Hell are for those that deny Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and therefore are condemned to Hell forever. Now, where did this concept come from? Before I explain....lets understand something...we are not talking about purgatory, or any other place where souls get a second chance...I'm talking about Hell, where you get no second chance and burn forever. I know it sounds harsh but even Jesus Christ himself talked about Hell when he told the story of Lazarus and the Rich man (Luke 16:19-31). Although, Jesus was not making Hell the focal point of the story, we see that "a place of torment" does exist, and there are numerous scriptures that support Hell (2 Thes. 1:7-9; Rev. 20:14; Jude 1:7). Let's tackle part 2 of this which states, "Satan is regarded as having created the concept of hellfire in order to turn people against God." While it is clear that Satan wants to turn people away from God, hell is not an idea from Satan and would totally contradict Revelation 20:10 (NLT), which says, "Then the Devil, who betrayed them was thrown into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur..."

The Jehovah Witnesses are people who sincerely believe these doctrines, and I personally know some. My mission is NOT to endorse my "Christianity" or slander their name. However, it is my mission to show that when someone claims to be a part of Christianity, if their beliefs do not line up with the Word of God, I must say the Bible says about it. This is not my opinion or religious view but it is straight from The Word of God. If it doesn't match up with the Word, it is false. There are problems in modern Christianity that are not biblical but that's another blog in itself. Judgement begins with the House of God first, why? Because we claim to know the truth and we will be judged by it. I do endorse some of the practices that Jehovah Witnesses embrace such as holidays, and I admire their passion to evangelize. I pray that this has opened your eyes and I did this out of love, nothing else. However, please forgive me if I gave any other impression, it was not intentional. Be blessed

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Ultimate Sacrifice

"They stripped off Jesus' clothes and put a scarlet robe on him. (29) They made a crown out of thorn branches and placed it on his head, and they put a stick in his hand. The soldiers knelt down and pretended to worship him. They made fun of him and shouted, 'Hey, you king of the Jews!' (30) Then they spit on him. They took the stick from him and beat him on the head with it." -Matthew 27:28-30

Imagine being stripped of your clothes and given a scarlet robe, and imagine having a crown of thorns shoved on your head...This is what Jesus had to endure. Verse 29 says,  "They made a crown out of thorn branches and placed it on his head, and they put a stick in his hand. The soldiers knelt down and pretended to worship him. They made fun of him and shouted, 'Hey, you king of the Jews!' ". In case you have never touched a thorn, it is razor sharp and can cut through flesh very easy. I can imagine that when they placed the crown of thorns on His head, it cut through his flesh and blood is rushing down his face, and the thorns may have been an 6 inches or longer so they run deep in his flesh...Can you imagine enduring that kind of pain? How would you feel having sharp thorns piercing your skin, blood running down your face? The soldiers torturing him pretends to worship him or in other words, they tease him and call him names...Think about how you would feel if someone called you names and insulted you repeatedly...However, it gets worse....

Verse 30 states,  "Then they spit on him. They took the stick from him and beat him on the head with it." This is probably the most disgusting thing you can do to a human being..They spit on Jesus, no doubt that it was probably multiple people doing it...How would you feel if you were being spit on? What would be your reaction? Anger? Revenge? This is what Jesus endured, this is what Jesus put up with. The second part of the scripture states that they beat him on the head with a stick...Now, please let's be real about this...the stick they are talking about is NOT a twig, I imagine it was heavy, and apparently big enough to support his weight (something like Moses carried) but they take the stick and beat him on the head with it....Imagine being pounded on the head, possibly 40 times non stop with full're already losing blood with the crown of thorns and you're covered in spit....How do you feel? Would you fight back? Cuss them out? Cry? They also forced Jesus to carry His Cross on his back, possibly weighing 100+ pounds but let's not forget that He's been beat on the head, had a crown of thorn shoved on his head, and spit on....Would you be able to carry the cross Jesus carried but it became so heavy that He needed help carrying it (Mark 15:21)?

Jesus has been whipped, spit, and beat on, and suffering what was Christs' response to His unjust suffering? The Bible tells us in Luke 23:34, "Jesus said, 'Father, forgive these people! They don't know what they're doing." Ok, STOP THE PRESSES....Did Jesus just say what I think He said?? Is Jesus asking God to forgive the people who's beating him and spitting on him? Am I crazy? Is He crazy?? The answer is No. Jesus is not crazy but showing the most powerful demonstration of LOVE ever shown. He's asking God to forgive them because they really do not know what they're doing...They do not know that Jesus is fulfilling prophecy or that His Death is vital to His Mission.

So why did Jesus allow them to beat him and kill him? The answer is YOU. Jesus took the beating and spitting because He took our place and accepted the punishment of God upon Himself. Henry, what are you talking about? After Adam and Eve disobeyed God, a curse fell upon the earth known as "sin". Since God is holy and perfect, He cannot tolerate sin so we were disconnected to Him. Jesus was sent to reconnect us because Jesus was GOD in the flesh. Sin was our debt to God, and the only way to pay Him was through death. However, Jesus never sinned which made him the perfect candidate to pay God back and the only way He could do this was to die. Think about it like this: You borrow money, and can't pay it back so they order a hit out on you, but you hear that someone else has taken the punishment you were supposed to receive. This is what Christ did, He paid the price with His Blood because it was pure and was the only thing God would accept as payment. Romans 5:8 (CEV), states, "But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful."

Now, please understand that Christ did not have to die, He could have called angels to destroy everyone or He could have chosen to get down off the cross to prove himself to the people. However, Jesus was thinking about you when He chose to stay up on the cross. He would rather lose His Life temporarily than to lose you  permanently. Who would do that? Who would love you so much that they would sacrifice their own life for you so that you do not have to be punished? God has shown His Love by having Christ pay the price for sin. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this is what Christianity is truly about: The story of how we owed God because we were sinners, and could not afford to pay God, so God sent Jesus, who was God in the flesh and never sinned, to pay our debt by dying on the Cross and it was paid ONLY THROUGH HIS BLOOD. The only thing we must do is accept His payment and follow Christ because of what He has done. It's the same as if someone paid off a large would want to know what can you do to repay Him, the same is with Christ...If we want to show our appreciation for what He has done, we must accept His payment and obey the Father. We must understand that we did not do ANYTHING to pay off our debt, and we could not because the price was too high. Jesus Loved you so much that He died for you, accept Salvation, a gift given to you by God through Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23), and obey the Father. Be blessed

P.S. Please double check EVERY scripture reference and if I have misquoted or even left one letter, please let me know and please forgive me because it was not intentional.