The Truth Hurts

The Church is in dire need..Heresy has taken root and false teachers and doctrines have arose within us from people that claimed to be among us...We used to divide the Word of Truth, used to tell people that they cannot live in sin and be a Christian...Nobody wants to hear the truth because of the "itching ears" doctrine...However, it's time to tell THE TRUTH

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Homosexuality and Christians: Where's The Love?

Disclaimer: I am NOT in any way endorsing,or encouraging homosexuality. My only goal is to state biblical truth and to bring souls into the knowledge of Christ

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, (10) nor thieves,nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." -1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ESV

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 is the most quoted scripture from a Christian concerning homosexuality. Now, by biblical standards, homosexuality IS A SIN because it defies the natural order of how God created us. In the Book of Genesis, God took the rib of a MAN and created WOMAN, not another man. However, this blog isn't about just homosexuals but about Christians as well.

I love twitter just as much as anyone, and there's this lady on there by the name of Reverend Sue and she's really respectful and from my conversations with her, full of love. I was talking with her and we were discussing homosexuality (which she supports) and she was talking about how Christians deny homosexuals the right to be married and about the hate we spread because of homosexuality. As I sat at my computer reading the tweet, I realized she was right. My response to her was that as a Christian, I oppose homosexuality because GOD opposes it and its unbiblical, but I went a little farther by saying that even though I do not approve of their lifestyle, I LOVE THEM AS PEOPLE. Now, if you look through the Gospels (Matthew-John), Jesus never spoke of homosexuality and the question becomes, "Why?" The answer is that Christ didn't need to point out specific people and say, "You're going to hell" Christ needed to show the Jews that He was the Messiah and that He was the Way back to God. How does this fit into what I'm saying? We cannot look at 1 Corinthians 6, and say "gays are going to Hell" and NOT read the rest. Yes, homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of God BUT only if we do not show them the Love of Christ, and they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and live a holy lifestyle (Homosexual Christian is a contradiction and cannot happen)

You're probably reading this and saying, "Henry, your supporting their lifestyle." No, I do not condone it nor support it in ANY WAY. However, I will be held accountable for every single deed and word I've done so I want to speak love to them. One of my friends who I call my "sister" (she is not saved) is homosexual, and I told her that although I do not approve of her lifestyle, I still love her and we talked and she explained the reason behind her decision, and it broke my heart. We as Christians are spending too much time saying, "You're going to Hell" "Homosexuality is unbiblical" and all this other stuff that we forget the 1 thing that still matters: GOD STILL LOVES THEM, AND WANTS THEM TO BE SAVED! This is what Christ demonstrated, This is what Christ wants us to demonstrate to them. How can they accept Christ when we're not showing Him? I don't like homosexuality but I treat them with respect, love, and mercy because that could be the reason they change. Look at how Christ treated Matthew, who was a tax collector. Jesus never said, "Matthew, you're a sinner, a dirty cheat and you're going to Hell." Jesus showed him love and Matthew changed out of love, not by force. These churches saying "God Hates Fags" and this other stuff is NOT OF GOD. We are to be different from the World, so I expect the world to hate them but the Church should be saying, "Jesus will save you, and change your life no matter what you have done".

Now, let's be clear: We as Christians have a right to speak out against it, and as a true Disciple of Jesus Christ, I will not support homosexuality in any way because God didn't create us this way and you certainly were not "Born This Way". The Bible tells us that homosexuality among other sins are wrong, and because we believe the Bible to be the Word of God, we must follow the guidelines found in its pages. I hate homosexuality with a passion but the Holy Spirit is what allows me to be gentle, and kind towards them. We Christians should never hate anyone because they are God's Creation and we will face judgment. We as Christians must take God's side over any human right that defies God's Word because God is Pure, Just, Holy, and Righteous. God doesn't tolerate homosexuality and neither should we because we are his people. This doesn't mean that we should avoid them as if they're a deadly disease but we're not to approve of their lifestyle. I personally have friends and family that are gay, and I love them dearly but I can promise you that if I'm a preacher and they ask me to marry them, I will deny them because marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN (and there are spiritual consequences to this as well but I'll cover that in another blog).

Homosexuality has been a hot topic in the Christian Community for years, and although homosexuality is a sin, so is lust, cheating, fornication, stealing, lying, backbiting, etc. We cannot forget that homosexuals are people too and God will hold us accountable on how we treat, not just them but all people. We are called to "hate the sin but love the sinner", and in case your confused, it's almost like hating the outside of the house but loving the rooms inside the house. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean we should bully, or say negative things about them and I'm not saying to hang out with them everyday because that spirit will transfer on you. If you know anyone gay, let them know that although you do not approve of their lifestyle, you still love them and maybe they will change. However, the time is coming where homosexuality will be normal and we as Christians will be hated. Yes, it will be hard but we must love each other but also speak the truth in love. If you're a Christian that has shown hate to a homosexual, apologize and ask for forgiveness because you were not demonstrating the Love of Christ and you may have damaged their view of Christ. It's hard enough getting people to come to church twice a week, don't be the reason someone turns away from Christ completely. Everything in this blog can be summed up as "Love God, Love People, Hate Sin". Be blessed.

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