"You see that a man is justified (pronounced righteous before God) through what he does and not alone through faith [through works of obedience as well as by what he believes.]" -James 2:24 (AMP)
This scripture contains the number 1 characteristic of a true Christian: he obeys God with his actions and not just his words or beliefs. In modern times, millions call themselves Christians but on Monday-Saturday, they cuss, smoke, drink, party, fornicate like it's cool. Then our unsaved friends are looking at us saying, "If this is how that Jesus thing works then I'm good because I do that now. I don't need Jesus." Now, not only have we caused someone to turn away from Christ but our light has been dimmed. It's not surprising to find problems like these in the church today, from the scandals to the cover-up, millions of proclaimed "Christians" are just going through the motions without sincere motives. I used to be one of them. I went to church on Sunday, sang songs, played the instrument, could read the scriptures, could say some "Christian Cliches" and I was "saved", but Monday-Saturday, I was listening to Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, Kanye West, etc. I was looking at pornography, and cussing, and doing whatever I wanted to do.
This scripture says that a man is made right with God by WHAT HE DOES AND NOT ONLY THROUGH FAITH. Anyone can say "I'm a Christian and I'm going to heaven" but what does their lifestyle say? Does their lifestyle say "Jesus Christ gets the glory" or does it say "I'm just faking like I know Jesus, I'm living to satisfy my desires"? This is a very serious problem in the church because the World is looking at us to give them answers but all they see is a reflection. Think about it like this: You're a little kid, you ask your Daddy "Is it alright to hit girls?" He answers "No, a man should never put his hands on a woman unless it's self-defense"....You leave to play, and come back in to see your mom and dad arguing, and your mom is being beat on by your dad....How would that make you feel? Would you hate him? Would you lose your trust and respect for him? This is exactly what is happening with the Church...For centuries, we've been talking about how Jesus can change lives but yet your friends don't even know you're a Christian. We preach about how Jesus can save you from Hell, but we living the same way a sinner does. When does it stop? What will it take? Do you hate God?
Let's take a look at Romans 2:1, 3-4 (CEV), which states, "Some of you accuse others of doing wrong. But there is NO EXCUSE for what you do. When you judge others, you condemn yourselves, because you are guilty of doing the very same things. (3) Do you really think God won't punish you, when you behave exactly like the people you accuse? (4) You surely don't think much of God's wonderful goodness or of his patience and willingness to put up with you. Don't you know that the reason God is good to you is because he wants you to turn to him." This hits right at home, when you accuse others of doing the exact same thing you're doing, you become a hypocrite. Hypocrites will NOT make it into heaven, they will say "Jesus, my precious Lord" and Jesus will say "I don't even know who you are...Get away from me" and will be cast into Hell for all eternity.
Christians are to live holy lives, so that God may receive glory from them but too often are we seeing Satan get the glory. The World is tired of the lies, hypocrisy and falseness and they want to see power, action, results. Jesus never bragged about being the Messiah, he simply LIVED it and those that believed were saved and those that did not were condemned. Actions speak louder than words, so what is your life saying?
Maybe you're a Lukewarm Christian reading this, and the Holy Spirit is convicting you. You can be forgiven and live a holy life before men. Confess your sins, repent, and God will forgive you. 1 John 1:9 (AMP), says, "If we [freely] admit that we have sinned AND confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His Will in purpose, thought, and action.]" It's not too late to start living a holy life. Stop talking the talk and start WITNESSING THROUGH ACTION. I did it and my life has changed, I'm not perfect but there is someone else depending on our salvation. Remember that Jesus gave HIS life so that we could live ours for His Glory, and that you will be judged for your deeds. Be blessed
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