The Truth Hurts

The Church is in dire need..Heresy has taken root and false teachers and doctrines have arose within us from people that claimed to be among us...We used to divide the Word of Truth, used to tell people that they cannot live in sin and be a Christian...Nobody wants to hear the truth because of the "itching ears" doctrine...However, it's time to tell THE TRUTH

Monday, November 28, 2011

Man Up and Make War

A special blog about what Christian men need to do, and making war against sin. The first 2 videos are about manning up and what that phrase means. The 3rd video is from John Piper about making war against sin. Enjoy and I pray it blesses you.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Prosperity Gospel

*All scripture is from the Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted

"But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to and different from that which we preached to you, let him be accursed ( anathema, devoted to destruction, doomed to eternal punishment)!" -Galatians 1:8

The Prosperity Gospel.....what is it? It is a message that says God wants us to be rich, healthy, and successful. Now, who wouldn't want to be rich? I would buy into the Prosperity Gospel but there's just 1 huge problem: The Prosperity Gospel is NOT the true Gospel and is demonic. "Henry, stop being jealous of rich people and hating on the preachers with million dollar houses, you just wish it was you" is what you're probably thinking and that is not true...I will show you what Galatians 1:8 says and other scripture that exposes this "Prosperity Gospel" as heresy or fake teaching.

First, the Prosperity Gospel teaches that God wants us to be rich, healthy, and live the "abundant life" Jesus came to die for. Jesus did not come to die so that we could drive BMW's, live in mansions, and be wealthy, this is NOT what scripture teaches. So why did Jesus come? Let's see what Matthew 1:21 (KJV) says, "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."  Let me repeat the last part in case you missed it "thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins."  This scripture clearly states that Jesus Christ came to DIE FOR OUR SINS, not so we could be rich and live a wealthy lifestyle. Maybe you still don't believe me, take a look at Galatians 1:3-4 which says, "Grace and spiritual blessing be to you and [soul] peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah), (4) Who gave (yielded) Himself up [to atone] for our sins [and to save and sanctify us]...." This scripture compliments Matthew 1:21 so it is a known fact that Jesus came to die for our sins, NOT for health, wealth, and a rich lifestyle.

Second, the Prosperity Gospel teaches that God wants us to be rich.........This is demonic, and comes straight from Satan himself. There are many scriptures that clearly shows that being wealthy comes with problems, and that God does NOT want us to be rich. I want to clarify that God does not hate rich people, He does not favor poor people over rich people...Let's take a look at Luke 9:25 "For what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and ruins or forfeits (loses) himself?" Jesus himself is saying that it is useless to be RICH and still go to Hell!!!!!! The Prosperity Gospel defies Christ and His work on the cross by saying "God wants us to be rich, and live an abundant life" but this is heresy, this is demonic, and I hate this gospel with every ounce of my being and I know it is an abomination to God. Matthew 6:19,21 says, "Do not gather and heap up and store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust and worm consume and destroy, and where thieves break through and steal. (21) For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." What was Jesus saying? He was saying that when we begin to store "treasure" (cars, houses, money, jewelry, etc.) on earth, we begin to put our heart in those things and we have committed idolatry because we have valued the created things over the Creator when God has already said that everything in the Earth is HIS (Psalm 24:1).

Third, the Prosperity Gospel is an itching ears doctrine and will lead millions to Hell. Why? Because the Prosperity Gospel teachers have denied Christ and followed their own desires. This is a very serious matter, and should be addressed. How would you feel if you went to the doctor and you had a disease and the doctor says, "You're fine" and you get serious sick...How would you feel? Mad? Angry? However, every Sunday in hundreds of churches, a preacher is saying that God wants us to be rich, and they are liars. 2 Peter 3:9 says that "....He is long-suffering (extraordinarily patient) toward you, not desiring that any should perish, but that all should turn to repentance." This scripture says that God wants us to repent or turn from sin, and follow Christ..That my friends is the heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The real gospel teaches that we must take up our cross and follow Jesus, not that life will be rich and full of pleasure when we accept Christ. The real gospel teaches that Jesus Christ was God in the flesh who came down to Earth to die for our sins in order to reconnect us with God, not that Jesus came so that we could live a life of "earthly abundance"....They have twisted scripture and formed a false gospel and this is a serious offense to God and Jesus Christ.

The Prosperity Gospel is heresy, not because I said so but because the Word of God has proved that it is false. It is my earnest prayer that the Body of Christ wakes up, and begins discerning when the preacher starts preaching because even Satan pretends to be an angel of light. I am not going to name preachers who preach this abomination because that would be useless and there are too many to name, but we need to pray for these false teachers that their eyes be opened and that we as Christians preach ONLY the true Gospel unless we be accursed and punished. The word "gospel" means good news and while being prosperous is good news, it does not point anyone toward holiness, it does not point anyone to trust in Christ for deliverance from sin, it displays Christ as a give your life, Christ will give you pleasure that comes from being wealthy but this is false. When you give your life to Christ, He gives you the Holy Spirit who will guide you in all truth. Christ is not a product being sold but a Savior who the world needs to know. Galatians 1:8 says that anyone who preaches a false gospel will be accursed. This is serious business. God will NOT tolerate being pimped and let them get away with it, people need to know truth and Jesus Christ himself said "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). Do not be fooled, there are other gospels just like the prosperity gospel so how do you know if it's false? The main point is that if they do not preach that Jesus Christ was God in human form that came to die for OUR SINS then it is false. I pray I shed some light and informed you on this heresy. Be blessed.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Grocery Store Jesus

"But Jesus told him, 'No! The Scriptures say, People need more than bread for their life; they must feed on every word of God.' " -Matthew 4:4

We get on our knees, and pray "Lord, I need you to come through for me. Father, I don't have money to pay my bills, my kids going crazy, and I need a way out. You promised that when I pray, believe that I will receive it and will have it. Father, I'm your child and the Bible says that the righteous has never been forsaken nor their seed begging for bread. Thank you for granting my request. Amen." You say "There's nothing wrong with this prayer" but there is and i'll explain why because this is the EXACT same prayer I pray whenever I get in a jam or a "God needed situation".

What was Jesus saying in Matthew 4:4? Who was He talking to? If you're not familiar with the story, Jesus was in the wild after 40 days of fasting (going without food), being tempted by Satan and Satan asked him to turn stones into bread. I could go on about how hungry Jesus was and temptation but that is another blog in itself. Matthew 4:4 actually shows us something we miss when we read this scripture: Our need for Jesus everyday.

Society and even religion has taught us that we only need Jesus when its "urgent". For example, everyone and their mother is a prayer warrior when someone is on their death bed. Why does it take dramatic circumstances for us to need Jesus? Think about this way: You're at home, and a family member calls and says, "Hey, I need $500 to help pay with the rent. Please help me, if you don't I'll get evicted." You feel compassion toward them, so you pay them. They say thank you but you don't hear from them until the next year and they need $500 for another emergency. The point is that you probably would call that family member a "user" or a "parasite" because all they do is take and never give. So if we as God's finest creation do not tolerate people who only use us when they need us, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK GOD DOES? You're probably saying, "Henry, that's you're personal opinion but everyone uses Jesus when they need him. I don't need Jesus everyday. I'm saved so I'm good." You're right because even sinners pray when they are in a situation they can't get out of. However, God then becomes an "accessory" and not a "neccessity"

I wanna direct your attention to the most quoted prayer in history, also known as "The Lord's Prayer" (Matthew 6:9-13) but let's take a look at verse 11 (NLT), which states, "Give us our food for TODAY." This is the prayer of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior teaching US....just in case you missed it, let me repeat it....Jesus Christ is teaching US how to pray. If Christ told us that we should pray to God for our "daily bread", who or what has told us that we only need to pray in "special circumstances"? God isn't interested in your "special circumstances", He's interested in your daily bread (everyday life) God doesn't want to hear from you only on Sundays when you trying to pray righteous enough to convince people, God wants to hear from you everyday because He is our Supplier, Our Refuge, Our Rock, Our Father, Our Creator.

If you haven't gotten the picture, I'm sorry because maybe I'm using a little bit to much "theology" (just a fancy word for religion). I'm gonna explain to you how the Lord explained it to me. We go to the grocery store only when we need food, we call that normal. However, what we have done is fooled ourselves into thinking that whatever we need will always be on the shelves. Now in some countries they only shop for what they need for that day. What is the point I'm trying to make? We have made God into OUR IMAGE when the Bible clearly states we were created in HIS IMAGE (Genesis 1:27). What does this mean? It means that we have a daily need for God because we're created for Him, not ourselves. We become lukewarm, hypocritical, self-righteous Followers of Christ when we only go to God when we want something. We do not appreciate Jesus for WHO he is because we don't even know him. We seek His hand, not His Face and then we get mad when God doesn't answer our prayers, when we put our faith in Him and it didn't happen. When you go to the grocery store OFTEN, they begin to recognize who you are and call you by name....PLEASE DO NOT MISS THE SPIRITUAL CONNECTION I AM ABOUT TO MAKE....When we spend more time with Jesus through prayer, fasting, worship, etc, we call Him by name. We don't just call Him Jesus, we'll call Him "Jesus The Healer". Everything becomes personal, our worship becomes deeper, our prayers wider, and our life shines brighter. Why? Because we have spent time in His Presence not only when we want something. There's a story in the Bible, where the apostles were casting out demons, so these other dudes decided that the name Jesus must be so powerful, that they could use it too so they did...but the demons didnt know who they were because they had NO POWER, and the demons attacked them. This is why so many Christians are falling away, giving up the faith because we think God is a light switch, we turn Him on on Sunday but keep Him off the other 6 days.

When we go to God daily, our lives become changed. I used to cuss, listen to worldly music, watch porn (im srry im a Christian right?) drink, etc. and then I'd go to church to get my "Christian energy drink" from the pastor and feel good because I did something that Jesus would actually approve of. However, it wasn't until I seriously accepted Christ that everything changed. I do not cuss, drink, or listen to worldly music. Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect but I'm different because I have spent time with Christ. I know him differently now because I have a relationship with Him. Jesus should not be put on a shelf only to be taken down on Sunday or special occasions when we really need Him. We need Him everyday because life happens everyday. Everyday, someone is waiting for us to tell them about Christ, but how can we tell them when we only know Him as a 911 Operator and not as Our Father? I'm not accusing anyone because I'm guilty of the same things. If we do not like being used, why do we use God? Is it because He loves us unconditionally? Is it because He's God and doesn't have feelings? Whatever our reason, God's heart breaks when one of his children comes to Him only for something they need. Have a relationship with Christ, it brings benefits that emergency prayer doesn't. God has promised so much to us but we do not even read His Word. Please do not use God, He can become so much more than just "Grocery Store Jesus". Religion won't get you into Heaven, only a relationship with Jesus Christ can. Be blessed.

P.S. If anyone knows the scripture for that story about the demons attacking the dudes, please let me know because I tried finding it but couldn't and PLEASE double check every scripture, I take the Word of God very seriously and let me know if I have misquoted anything. If so, forgive me it was not intentional.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Give It to God

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. (7) If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)

The past 3 years have been rough for the World. I can't speak for nobody else, but I have debt, unpaid bills, and other things I need to take care of. It is very easy to let money control our lives, and most people would agree that money is the most important thing in the world. However, the "recession" has taught us that even money can be scarce, and fails us. If you have a job, what will you do if you get fired? Money is not permanent, but it is temporary because it is man made. This is NOT a blog about only money and I am not asking for it, but I am going to show you how something temporary causes us to worry. Please do not miss the picture God is showing you.

Philippians 4:6-7 is a popular scripture because it usually compliments Matthew 6, when Jesus talks about worry. However, there is a point Paul made but if it is not revealed through the Holy Spirit, it will be severely overlooked. The point Paul was making was this: GIVE IT TO GOD. Why is this important? How did I get this from a scripture talking about worry and prayer? Let's break it down verse by verse, and explore.

Verse 6 reads, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done" . Paul started with the words, "Don't worry about anything" Why did Paul say that? He said this because it is so easy to let materialistic things and even people stress us out for no reason. Paul understood that we are human and worrying is apart of life. When you worry, usually something that is OUT OF YOUR CONTROL has happened. If you could control it, you would not worry. When you worry, you begin to ask "What can I do to solve this?" "What if I cannot solve this?" "How did I get here?" "If I would have done this, I would not be in this situation" and the list goes on. First, take a look at those statements.......notice how each question/statement has the letter "I", and that is exactly the problem.

We as human being were given dominion in Genesis because we were created in the Image of God (Genesis 1:27-29). However, we have allowed Satan to lie to us the same way he lied to Eve by telling us that we are "god-like" and to a certain extent, we are God's reflection but WE DO NOT HAVE GOD-LIKE POWER. However, we believe that everything is under our control so when we do not have control we begin to worry. We do not have the answers to every question and we do not have everything under our control, contrary to popular belief. It doesn't matter who or what you worry about, but the problem comes when you ask yourself "What do I do now?" Paul clearly answers this question when he states, "instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done" Paul gives us the most unlikely answer to worrying when he says "PRAY" about everything. Paul instructed us to pray because we are saying, "God, this is way to big for my power but I know it isn't too big for You to handle. Help Me" and is an act of submission. However, the rest of the scripture tells us to "Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done". We must tell God what we need but also THANK HIM FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE...when we thank Him for what He has done, it reassures us that if He did it in the past, He could do it again. However, it is also a form of praise and worship. How? We are praising God for what he has done and who He is all at the same time. Thanking God for what He has done also keeps us in submission by realizing that we must give our problems to God because we can't handle it. There is also another benefit to praying instead of worrying, which can be found in Verse 7.

Verse 7 reads, "If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." When we pray and give it to God, we will experience not just peace but The Peace of God...what's the difference? Worldly peace occurs when there is nothing to worry about, but the Peace of God says, "I know you're going through Hell but it's ok. God got you." This Peace passes our understanding because we are calm when we should be worrying. Let me give my testimony: I had registered for school, and I had to submit my parents' tax forms but could not find them. I started to worry but I read Philippians 4:6-7 earlier, so I prayed and I heard the Holy Spirit say, "You did your part, now watch me do mines." After I prayed, I stopped worrying and I experienced the Peace of God because I knew it was in the hands of the Master, someone who could do what I couldn't. We found the forms, and I registered for school. His Peace is amazing, and I still do not understand it, but Paul also tells us how we get this peace when he says, "His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." This peace is for those who live in Christ Jesus a.k.a Followers Of Christ. The only reason this peace is for the Followers of Christ is because they will understand who gave it to them and will witness that God has fulfilled his promise.

Worrying has no benefits, it can kill you faster than you plan. Maybe you're worrying about money, job, house, car, family, relationships, etc. God wants you to know that while your power is limited, He can do ALL things. If you do not know who Jesus Christ is, allow me to introduce you. Jesus is God in the flesh who came to earth to pay your debt to God (sin) on the cross, He died and was raised from the dead 3 days later and now sits on the right hand of God. If you accept what Jesus did and repent of your sins, you become a Fiollower of Christ. Romans 10:9-10 (NLT), states, "For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (10) For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved." In case you're confused, in order to be saved, you must: Admit that you are a sinner and cannot save yourself, Accept that Jesus Christ, who is God in man form came to die for your sins, and Believe that God raised Jesus through the power of the Holy Ghost. If you have done this, you are saved. You will experience the peace of God only when you act on Philippians 4:6-7, it will not magically come to you. I pray that you were blessed through the Word, and remember that God loves you so much, He gave His Life for you. Be Blessed

P.S. Please double check EVERY scripture I post. DO NOT assume I know what I'm talking about. I take the Word of God very seriously and if I have misquoted or left out ANYTHING pertaining to scripture, please forgive me and let me know.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

You Are Not Alone Part 2

"Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me." -Psalm 23:4 (AMP)

You lost your job, your unemployed, have more bills than money, no car....These are the situations that we go through in life that makes us feel like we're the only one going through. Sometimes, we feel alone because no one can help us get out the situation we're currently in and we struggle and kill ourselves trying to get out of "the valley of the shadow of death" that we ignore God's promise to never leave us. We depend on everyone else BUT God to get us out of situations and when they fail us, we feel hopeless, miserable, and alone.

This verse in the 23rd Psalm reassures us that our trials are not as bad as they seem. Notice David said "valley of the SHADOW of death"...what does this mean? Your situation may seem hopeless and you're on the edge thinking about giving up but the reality is that it is NOT that bad because it's only a shadow of what it could have been. David continues and says, "I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me." This statement tells us two things: God won't leave us in our darkest days and that God will protect and guide you through them.

I experienced this scripture when my life was going very badly....relationships failing, debt owed, couldn't find a job, and I began to get depressed and started thinking about suicide. I felt like God had deserted me, and that He was so high up in heaven that there was no way He could understand what I was going through on Earth. However, I realized something in the Bible that said that Jesus understands our weak points and has been tempted in every way but did not sin (Hebrews 4:15)...I said "Jesus, you know how it feels to be lonely (Matthew 27:46) and I don't know what to do but I need you to help me." I'm not going to tell you that I felt better from that day forward because I didn't. I still struggle with lonliness, especially being a single Christian but whenever I'm in my valley, Psalm 23:4 reminds me that Jesus is RIGHT THERE with me, protecting me from thoughts of suicide, and guiding me out of the valley.

It doesn't matter what situation you're going through, Jesus is right there. However, I realized something amazing. When you go through the valley, it's main goal was to destroy you. Look back at your life when all Hell broke loose and you wanted to end your life or give up. Now, look at where you're at now. Even if you're not where you want to be, you're not where you used to be. Why? Jesus carried you through the valley because you couldn't make it by yourself, whether you realize it or not. I should have committed suicide in November of 2009, I should be dead but Jesus carried me when I couldn't carry myself and showed me that I am not alone and that He understands my hurt, pain, confusion, all of it He understands. Jesus was abandoned, betrayed, killed by people who claimed to love Him (but He rose again), everything we're going through Jesus has already went through.

I want you to know that Jesus cares about  you and if you are tired of feeling lonely, or having suicidal thoughts, being depressed, you can get help from a Man named Jesus Christ. If He could do it for me, he surely can do it for you. All you have to do is realize that sin separated you from God and you're a sinner, confess that Jesus was God in the flesh who died for your sins, and God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved (Read Romans 10:9-10) You were not created to be lonely, God won't leave you alone but you feel alone when you separate from God, and His amazing Love. He promised He wouldn't leave you but the only way to connect to Him is through His Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Be blessed